Sunday 22 December 2013

Plan until the next competition

So, after a successful competition on 1st December. I needed to come up with a plan to get my training from here to mid-April and hit the numbers I want. After about three weeks of following a VERY vague plan Phil sat most of the members of the PL team down and we chewed over some finer details of the programming we are going to be following.

So: I had a slightly different approach to how I want my training to run than the other guys. I wanted to do the competition movements twice a week as supposed to once. I also wanted to add in a 5th day for back work, as I figure you can never have too strong a back, my plan is to also work up to having a 6th day when my GPP gets higher. Anyway, I digress, the basic plan is to rotate two different rep ranges each week. Week one: I will work up in 3's then hit two singles and drop back for two sets of five to six. Then the second week is exactly the same but the 3's are replaced with 2's.
   WHY?!?! Well, let me justify all of this, both the doubles and triples are fairly low, so the volume will be relatively low, seeing as I will probably take 10% jumps when I've warmed up this will enable me to hit heavy working sets (which is what a powerlifter should mainly be focused on). The sets of 5-6 will then give me a chance to get in some extra volume, which is easy to loose sight of if you're just chasing that one rep max.

  One other thing to consider when doing a high intensity training session on the main exercise is accommodation, which you want to avoid, for those who are unclear on what accommodation is: depending on the lifters experience after a period of 1-3 weeks of doing the same exercise at roughly 90%+ progress will start to plateau. Obviously this wants to be avoided, so Phil has put me on a two week rotation of exercises. The way this works is very similar to the Westside-Barbell method, I choose an exercise that will target my weak point then stick with it for the two weeks, after which I choose a difference exercise and repeat. This should keep me progressing.

Then as far as assistance work is concerned there aren't really any magical secrets known only to a few. Something which I personally REALLY need to work on is my shoulder strength, it is appalling! So, one of the bench (the board press) days will be mostly devoted to shoulder strength. The other (full ROM) to tricep strength. That way all basis are being covered. A similar plan is used for the lower body sessions. Main deadlift day is focused on glute and hamstring strength, the main squat day is focused on unilateral work.

That's it! he says after a rather long post, but its nice to keep you guys up to scratch. I can't speak for its progress as I haven't yet done a training session with it. But I will keep you updated with its progress and my thoughts, roughly weekly.

Hope to see you around the gym soon!

Take care!

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